Meghan Markle makeup moments

Ah… I love the smell of clean makeup brushes.
Hiya, ya cutie patootie with a big ol’ booty!

I sure do love the scent of clean makeup brushes. They remind me of burying my nose in a gloriously fluffy cat tum… I’ve only mentioned this a million times, but I’ve been lackadaisical about brush washing lately (I literally cannot remember the last time I deep cleaned them), and I’ve only been getting by because 1) I haven’t been wearing much makeup, and 2) when I have been wearing makeup during the day-to-day, I’ve been using products that I can apply with my fingers.


On the one hand, ewww, gross brushes; on the other, I’ve discovered some neat things that only take a minute or two to use (more on my latest finds in a second).

Anywho…I finally parked myself in front of the sink and washed my brushes, and now they smell wonderful! Also, for the first time in a while, I feel inspired to try some different looks with those bristles in the near future.

I wish I could say that I was motivated to clean my brushes by an immediate and sudden need to Marie Kondo the sh*t out of my situation, but nah… The driving force was the pimple on my chin! It’s one of those pimples that feels worse than it looks (it’s throbbing just under the surface of my skin as I type this), and to discourage myself from messing with it, I’m going to cover it with makeup; otherwise, I’ll just keep futzing with it, because as much as I hate to admit this…I’m a pimple picker.


বিড়াল এবং মেকআপ sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

এখনই কিনুন

I anticipate doing some concealing in the next few days, so it was time to finally clean those damn brushes.

It just goes to show ya — sometimes what you really need is a painful pimple to light a fire under your @ss!

Lumene makeup at Tar-ghay
I’ve been getting by with easy makeup over the past month or so, and this has lead me to some cool things, like this sheer liquid foundation, liquid blush, liquid bronzer and liquid highlighter by Lumene (all of which you can find at Target).

You know how Perricone has their line of no-makeup makeup with the liquid foundation serum, blush and highlighter? Lumene has a similar sheer coverage, fluid consistency, but it’s a little more budget-friendly ($25 for the Lumene foundation versus $60 for Perricone).

If you’re in the midst of a major Meghan Markle moment, then you’ll appreciate how everything is almost undetectable. The only thing that’s kinda obvious is the highlighter, but I think that’s mostly because the pearl isn’t as fine as something like MAC Strobe cream — definitely made for the minimalist who prefers a sheer, sort of “is she or isn’t she সাজসজ্জা করছি?” type of coverage, and loves the simplicity of putting on makeup with fingers.

I’m wearing the foundation in Dark, the bronzer, the pink blush and the pink highlighter.

Lately I’ve been wearing Lumene foundation, bronzer, blush and highlighter on my face whenever I’ve got to do “mom things” in public — pre-school drop off in the morning, play dates in the park, toddler dance class — and whenever I’m blending things with my fingers I think to myself, “Maybe one day I’ll be the person who does a full beat glam to go to tiny Toes dance Class, but today is NOT that day.”

The bronzer, highlighter and one of the blushes, along with all three shades of the foundation (FYI, the shade I wear is “Dark,” which really isn’t all the dark.)
Speaking of things at Target, I gotta head there today to scout basic tees, because all of my solid-color tees — all of THEM — have a tiny cluster of holes right in the belly button area, and I think it’s because that’s where the shirts rub up against the zipper and button of all my jeans. I only discovered this recently, so basically I’ve been walking around with an unintentional ventilation system on my tum-tum for months. Seriously, who does this? There’s no way I’m the only person that this has happened to in the history of tee shirts.

Anyway, I’ve got my eye on this $8 tee from universal Thread.


Could this be the universe’s way of telling me that I need to quit wearing pants?! হা হা হা!

আপনার বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ প্রতিবেশী সৌন্দর্য আসক্ত,


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