Dolce & Gabbana summer 2014
You know when you’re too tired to cook and just want good food to magically appear in front of you? Yeah…that’s exactly how it was last night.
Good morning, glory! I hope you had a good week. Mine wasn’t bad at all, and any week that ends with pizza and a movie ends on a high note (unless either of those is terrible).
That’s what we did. We grabbed slices for dinner and then went to see Lucy, that new sci-fi flick with ScarJo and Morgan Freeman. She plays someone exposed to a new drug who starts being able to use more of her brain power, but it comes with a big catch 22.
মহান নেই, কিন্তু খারাপ না হয়। There were some cool parts, and she does kick some @ss.
Today, now, I’m just hanging out. I don’t really have any big plans. Tabs is sleeping in the other room, I just finished watering the plants (TONS of tomatoes ready to pick), and now I’m saying hello to you.
বিড়াল এবং মেকআপ sweatshirt ??
$ 42.
এখনই কিনুন
What are you up to today? Is it hot out there? It’s, uh, like death Valley out here… It was about 95 degrees yesterday, and it’s supposed to be almost that hot again today.
Yeah…we don’t have a working air conditioner, and it usually doesn’t matter because it rarely gets that hot here, but this is one of those weeks. Late in the day my office has been like a sauna, and even Tabs leaves the room.
It’s kind of funny, actually. If you could see the shenanigans and hoops I hop through to take face pics without my makeup melting off, you’d laugh. Let’s just say that I get pretty creative with fan placement, cross ventilation, towels and ice…
In other news, you know what time it is, right?
(Here’s a hint: it’s giveaway time.)
I hope you enter. good luck.
One (1) Sephora eGift card containing $50 sent to the winner by email (international readers, you may opt to receive $50 sent by PayPal instead).
Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below.
ইউএস এবং আন্তর্জাতিক পাঠকদের জন্য খোলা।
আপনি 18 বা তার বেশি বয়সী হতে হবে (অথবা অন্যথায় আপনার স্থানীয় আইনগুলির উপর ভিত্তি করে একজন প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক)।
আপনার মন্তব্যটি সম্পর্কে কিছু হতে পারে, তবে আপনি যদি আটকে থাকেন তবে এখানে কিছু ধারনা রয়েছে:
If your pet had a catchphrase or slogan, what would it be?
Invent a cake you’d like to try. এটা সম্পর্কে আমাকে বল.
How many cups of coffee and/or tea do you have on a typical day?
Telekinesis or clairvoyance?
What are your five current favorite makeup brands?
Favorite Asian makeup/beauty brand?
You can enter in up to seven ways to boost your chances of winning.
The giveaway ends on Monday, July 28, 2014 at 11:59 PM (Pacific Time).
Full terms and conditions are available in the widget.
একটি RaffleCopter Giveaway.
আপনার বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ প্রতিবেশী সৌন্দর্য আসক্ত,